Parents and Educators are having many questions about school reopening. Depending on where they live, there will be really difficult decisions made about how school will proceed during the current pandemic the world is facing.
Will the best CBSE school, B. D. Memorial be all online? If so, will it be better than the online experience most of us had back at the beginning of the pandemic?
Will the top CBSE school at South Kolkata, B. D. Memorial try some sort of hybrid approach with smaller class sizes where remote and on campus learning is alternated? If so, how will that be organized?
If the best kids school, B. D. Memorial open, can students really wear masks all day? Can teachers teach in them? Will school be a scary place producing too much anxiety for the kids?
How will parents and caregivers balance school requirements with their own work and other obligations?
How will teachers be able to manage and teach students in both traditional and online locations at once?
Many questions are there.
If anyone is looking for concrete answers and guidance, B. D. Memorial doesn’t think anyone yet knows the answers. But, as the best CBSE school for kids, B. D. Memorial have been discussing and preparing for the upcoming school year for the kids, it has been cathartic to put together some thoughts, tips, and ideas here in this post that hopefully may help others in similar situations.
It is recommended that all policy considerations for the coming school year should start with the goal of having students physically present in school. The best CBSE school at South Kolkata, B. D. Memorial agrees with this.
Summarizing and highlighting common recommendations that the best CBSE school for kids, B. D. Memorial has made :
Social distancing will be practiced. As a result, class sizes may be limited, school schedules may be changed, and activities may be cancelled.
Hygiene will be a focus with more frequent requirements for kids and teachers to wash hands and use hand sanitizer.
Lunch and meals will be taken in classrooms only.
Masks may be required or encouraged for teachers and students.
Extra-curricular activities, physical education, and other opportunities for play may be changed or limited.
Schools will be cleaned more frequently to disinfect common areas, desks, playgrounds, etc.
Group work and collaborative learning will be harder to implement.
Parents, volunteers, and non-necessary visitors may not be allowed in the building.
For any student or faculty that tests positive for COVID-19, experiences any possible symptoms, or comes in close contact with someone confirmed positive, they’ll be required to stay away from school for up to 2 weeks.
There’s a hugely important reason for the best CBSE school at South Kolkata, B. D. Memorial to open as much as possible, though. Many students rely on school for meals, health, and other services – pandemic or no pandemic. It is also true that , B. D. Memorial being open is essential for many parents and caregivers to be able to work and earn a living. No one can get to a place where the fight against the virus causes more harm than good from increased poverty, malnutrition, or social isolation.
Even with all of the risk reduction and social distancing strategies in place, realistically, many students of the top CBSE school for kids, B. D. Memorial will most likely experience online, distance, or home education options this school year.
It is also probable that even those that start back in the classroom will need to change back to temporary remote learning on short notice at some point during the year if there is a spike in active cases at B. D. Memorial.
This means two big things are true:
Everyone must be prepared for learning at home.
Disruptions and unexpected changes are almost a sure thing.
Given that at least some level of learning at home will be likely, all can turn their attention to planning and making the best of it.
Many parents and students are afraid that this new school year will be much like the experience they had at the beginning of the pandemic when the school was closed. But it is not true. It happened fast. There was basically no plan. The school got closed quickly, often without any preparation or planning. Students’ and teachers’ belongings, technologies, and school resources were left in the classrooms. As being the best CBSE school at South Kolkata, B. D. Memorial had taken the decision to close the school building for their own students’ and teachers’ safety. The teachers of B. D. Memorial is very creative and hardworking and they give their students the best service even being at home.
As being the best CBSE school for kids at South Kolkata, B. D. Memorial ensures that the expectations and types of learning opportunities offered don’t suffer. The school focuses on learning opportunities that emphasize creativity, critical thinking, choice, and personal growth.
Trying to make the best of a difficult circumstance, maybe this is as good a time as ever to really think outside the box. Being the best CBSE school, B. D. Memorial fights against the tendencies and natural reaction to try and replicate traditional schooling. The teachers are giving their best to teach their students the best. Even at home, B. D. Memorial makes it very sure to engage the students in co-curricular activities too.
The admission for the session 2020-21 has started for all the branches of B. D. Memorial (i.e. Garia Primary, Garia Pre-primary, Golfgarden, Mahamayatala, Vijaygarh, Basdroni). Hurry up and give your children the best. To fill the form please visit our official website at :